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Saturday, May 10, 2008

Max's Law of Political Affect

Clinton is now working for the Obama camp. She is prepping the American public for what McCain and the GOP will try and use against Obama. She is blowing the ‘white’ horn so loudly, come Nov. no one will be able to hear it. This effect can be quantified in the realm of the political arena by the following equation. Every talking point has an ‘affect’ which is proportional to its life span and its ‘loudness’

A=T*L; where A=affect, T=Time and L=loudness
therefore T=A/L

Since 'A' effects a human population, it has a finite limit after which resistance to the affect builds up. So you need a larger [L] for the desired effect. Since [L] is a human limitation; once A(max) is reached A comes into decline and approaches A(0)

This is known a Max’s law of political affect. A recent example of this was the ‘outbreak’ of Jeremiah Wrighteousness… A(max) was achieved quickly by a very large [L] there by reducing the ‘T’ interval required for achieving A(0) as witnessed by the close loss in Indiana.

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