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Friday, March 21, 2008

Ok, so I like politics

If anyone had any doubts about Obama's capacity to reach across the aisle, you need look no further, than what his buddy is saying about Rev. Wright.

You cannot defeat a person who stands for unity when the majority of a country wants to be united. The Social fabric tolerates division when there is a clear distinction between the majority and a minority. However, if you take the net divide, which exists across different issues, into consideration, then you realise that there is no clear distinction between the majority and a minority. The only distinction, is that, of those that are suffering and those that aren't. If you are suffering then you identify with ppl who suffer; you recognise the suffering, and realise the gravity of their suffering. You realise what that entails, even though it may be unrelated to you. That is how we perceive. What we also perceive is the source of the other person's hope. You begin to identify with the hope, the hope of those, with whom you have suffered.No one wants to suffer, hence the social fabric revolts against any and all causes of suffering. Or does it ? There will be books written on this very topic soon enough.

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